Friday, October 26, 2012

Last night I spent some time at TCC NE campus speaking with students from their evening government classes. Was reunited with Doris Jones who taught there when I taught there back in the 90s. Several Libertarian Party candidates there including Ken Stanford who is running against Ron Wright for Tarrant County Tax Assessor Collector. For those of you voting straight democratic ticket, I recommend you go back into your ballot and vote for Ken. There is no Democratic challenger and Ron Wright used to be Joe Barton's Chief of Staff. Nuff said! He also used to write godawful columns for the Star Telegram.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kay Granger as committee chair of the subcommittee on state and foreign operations apparently has the power all by her self to block foreign aid. She put a hold on $450 million that was supposed to go to Egypt as economic aid. She said that she "was not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance." I do not disagree with her decision, but I am concerned that she has the power to stop foreign aid by herself with out consultation with her committee. If she had committee consultation, the Star-Telegram made no mention of it. I think that she is right, that perhaps Egypt may not be our friend right now.

Friday, August 31, 2012

It was great meeting new people and seeing friends at Shane Hardin's fundraiser last night. Fact checker for Star Telegram says Paul Ryan and other GOP speakers lied their butts off this week. One of the big lies was when Paul Ryan said that Pres. Obama funneled 716 billion dollars out of Medicare to pay for Affordable Health Care Act. Outright lie! He also said the President did nothing with the recommendations of the super committee charged with tasked with coming up with spending cuts. Ryan was on the committee and kept the reforms from being passed by voting against it. Let's hope my fellow Dems can be more honest when they address the nation next week.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rep Todd Akin of Missouri has made some controversial statements about rape. Where is Kay Granger? Shouldn't she be letting everyone know her feelings on Akin's remarks about "legitimate"rape? He also said women can't get pregnant from rape because their bodies have a biological mechanism that prevents it. This man is an neanderthal and needs to be called out by every member of the House of Representatives, including, and especially, Kay Granger.

Kay Granger Sells Fort Worth Down the River, the Trinity River That Is!
Old news? Maybe, but this is an election year and the people of Fort Worth need to be reminded that seven term Congresswoman Kay Granger, the Queen of Pork, spearheaded a project to turn the birth place of the city of Fort Worth into a polluted pond.
Fort Worth was born on the confluence of the West Fork and the Clear Fork of the Trinity River on June 6, 1849. Today the forces of the private sector and government have united to create the Trinity River Vision, a plan to develop 88 miles of the Trinity River and change its course, literally, by redirecting river water via a downtown channel.  The cost of the Central City part of the project is estimated at almost 600 million dollars, much of that billed to the Army Corps of Engineers as flood control. The justification given is the city’s growth since 1965, and a lack of new flood control measures since then.
Fort Worth voters have never voted for this major construction project, and as a matter of fact, have consistently voted against development along the Trinity River throughout the 20th century.  So far voters have not been asked to pay for these projects. Apparently, the federal government has footed most of the bill, so indirectly, we are all paying for this great boon to the private sector. What interest a taxpayer in Tennessee has in the development of recreational areas along the Trinity eludes me, probably about as much interest as I have in paying for a bridge to nowhere in Alaska. Will we have 3 bridges to nowhere at a cost of 22 million dollars if the federal funds dry up? The private sector is supposed to pay half the costs. So far it is nowhere close to being an equally funded venture, the government paying most of the costs so far. Kay Granger is proud of her pork.
The issue of eminent domain once again rears its ugly head as this non- governmental agency conducts land grabs without adequately compensating the grabees. Headed by JD Granger, son of Pork Queen Kay, he dispenses funds as he sees fit, sometimes without competitive bidding such as the case where chef Tim Love was awarded a contract for a riverbank restaurant called the Woodshed Smokehouse.  According to the TRVA website, “…. massive outreach efforts are targeting North Texas vendors to ensure they have the best shot at winning contracts.” No massive outreach effort was made to open this contract to other restaurants owners or entrepreneurs.
The Trinity River Vision Authority was established as a private corporation by the Tarrant Regional Water District to manage the projects and distribute funds. By creating a private corporation to do this instead of using existing governmental organizations, JD Granger, as Kay’s son, could legally, if not ethically, be hired to manage this project.
The confluence of the West and Clear Forks of the Trinity River should have been declared historical landmark and developed appropriately, not as a recreational area where people can water ski on a polluted pond.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Representative Kay Granger has once again shown her disdain for the middle class. House Republicans evidently passed a tax code that does not contain provisions for mortgage or charitable deductions. When the Democrats tried to put them in, the motion was defeated by the Republicans, Kay Granger voting with the majority. Please help me unseat Granger on Nov 6 by contributing to my campaign. You can contribute by going

Monday, July 16, 2012

Kay has done it again. She voted with the rest of the Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act for the 31st time. I wonder if she has noticed that the insurance companies are basically quiet about the new health care law, probably because they stand to make more money when all provisions go into effect. I mention this only because she is an insurance broker herself. Rep. Granger simply does not care about people like my self employed brother who has a pre existing condition and cannot get health care under current laws and policies. But that's ok with Kay; she has that great government health care that she is so much against for the rest of us.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I often wonder how the mind of an ideologue works, especially since I used to be one. What was I thinking? I look now at the state of health care in this country and I see what the Affordable Care Act is doing for Americans. Yes, it does involve a government-private partnership, what with the exchanges and the expansion of Medicaid, but it doesn't even come close to establishing a single payer system which could reasonably be called socialized medicine, which, by the way, works very well in most developed countries today. Nevertheless, we have a gov't-private system now being implemented which I think we need to give a chance to work. For those already with health insurance, nothing changes except that premiums should go down because of more shared risk as more people become insured. What's the down side? The mandate? There's no enforcement provision for those who don't purchase insurance. There's a fine, but no one to make a scofflaw pay. No down side. Right wing ideologues and Obama haters are making stuff up or mislabeling the ACA as socialism mainly to defeat President Obama in November. We must not let that happen. Please vote straight ticket Democrat in November. We need the Presidency and at least one branch of Congress to keep our improving health care system from being ruined by Republican ideologues who care more about their own rigid views than what is good for the people of this country. They have shown that vote after vote after vote in the US House of Representatives. Kay Granger may not be an ideologue, but she is voting in lock step with them. She is not the same person that she was when she was mayor of Fort Worth.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Good Grief, Charlie Brown.  Kay Granger has shown how she feels about the "establish justice" clause  of the Preamble to the US Constitution. She voted for the Congressional contempt citation for Attorney General Holder, but voted against calling witness from the Bush Administration's Justice Department, the folks who started the Fast And Furious Program in the first place, but neglected to inform the incoming O'bama Administration of its implementation. Way to go Kay. Wish I had the money to inform all of your constituents of your definition of Justice. I'd like to know just what documents the Republicans have requested that they haven't received. And what about the dead agent's family? What else do they need to know to get closure? Is what the Republicans are requesting relevant to the family's situation. Or is this just more political posturing by the Republicans in their bid to defeat President Obama?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I don't get it. I don't understand the thought processes of people who would cut taxes for the wealthy and pay for it by cutting medicaid, medicare, food stamps, health care and education (including student loan interest rates), while increasing spending on the military. Let's make it harder on poor people, women, seniors, college students and the middle class while the wealthy bask in their mansions and on their yachts. Let's put thousands of government employees who deliver needed services out of work, so they can pay less taxes, buy less food, and generally spend less money in our struggling economy.  How does this make sense in any universe?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

So what has Rep. Kay Granger been up to this week? Where is her moral compass? This week she voted to repeal a 2.3 excise tax on the makers and importers of certain medical devices. This tax was part of the expected revenue to fund the Affordable Healthcare Act, a vote to gut the President's health care plan. What does Kay have against affordable health care for everyone?  She voted against an amendment (obviously by a Democrat) that would keep the tax in place for companies that send American jobs overseas. It would appear that she would rather see American jobs lost than American jobs created. She voted against another Democratic amendment that would take 1% on a bill that would appropriate $32.1 billion for military and civilian energy programs and apply the savings to deficit reduction. The Republicans talk a good game about deficit reduction, but only when those reductions are applied to programs that actually help people. And that's not all! She voted against another amendment that would cap a program to upgrade our nuclear arsenal at $7 billion. The savings could also be applied to deficit reduction. Not done yet. Kay also voted to fund a program that would allow local law enforcement to enforce immigration law in some 100 communities. Can you imagine the racial profiling to which that would lead? And don't local police have enough to do without enforcing federal law, which is probably unconstitutional as well? By that reasoning we should let the FBI and CIA enforce local law. I'm not done yet! She also voted against and amendment that would transfer funds from detaining illegal immigrants to the budget charged with stopping sex trafficking and other forms of child exploitation. Who says the Republicans have the higher moral compass? Not according to votes Kay Granger cast on the above issues.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What did Kay Granger do last week?  She voted for a bill that would have imposed criminal and civil penalties on doctors who perform abortions THOUGHT to based on gender of the fetus. Last time I looked, abortions are legal, but some folks just can't seem to handle that. Has anyone ever heard of a doctor performing an abortion because the mom didn't like the gender of the fetus? A Republican lady at the Romney event called me names. Shame on her. Kay also voted for $80 billion dollars for intelligence agencies. Most everyone else did too. She also received over $40 thousand dollars to vote on a pharmaceutical company bill authorizing the user fees on companies seeking approval of new brand-name and generic drugs. I'm not sure what this means. I guess it means that drug companies can charge you and me more when a new drug is introduced. I guess that's the governments way of guaranteeing the drug companies profit. What is that about? Kay also voted to appropriate $60 billion for the Veteran Affairs Dept. I don't have a problem with that, but I noticed no one seemed interested in how it was going to be funded, unlike the student loan interest rate bill that both have rejected each others bill because of the funding mechanism. There seems to be little or no common sense in Congress.
Good God! I blew it today. Attended the Romney event in Euless with Steve Maxwell, Keith and several other democrats. Max and Keith had prepared statements, but I wasn't planning on addressing the press. Had the opportunity, but wasn't ready in my head, so I let a golden opportunity for some free publicity pass. Way to go Dave! Also left my sign in the car. It said, "Flip Flops belong on feet, not in the White House." Had a graphic caricature of Romney and clip art sandals. It was a good sign, but when I got to the event, I didn't see any other dems, so decided to leave it in the car. There was a time when I wouldn't have even hesitated. I got to get my groove on!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Kay Granger won her primary. She says, "I will continue to stand up for the values that make our community great, That means creating jobs in our community , keeping our C130's in Fort Worth, cutting spending and protecting our national defense." How generic can you get. And how many jobs has she helped create, with American Airlines laying off folks? We all want to see jobs created; we all want to keep the 4 C130s; we all want to cut spending (she just wants to cut spending for the folks who need it the most), and we all want a good, strong defense. The problem there is she wants to spend money on items the military says it doesn't need. The Star Telegram says she never even comes close to being defeated. Maybe because she has a gerrymandered district? Duh!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

See what is happening in the Kay Granger universe. This week she voted against a bill designed against violence for women that would also help women deal with that violence. She voted against a bill that would deny pensions to congresspersons who become lobbyists when they leave Congress. She voted for an amendment that would block the Justice Department from interfering with state's voter laws and she voted for increased defense spending.

So she has shown us that she continues to be part of the war against women, favoring cuts to social programs, but increasing spending for defense. She is pro lobbyist and believes it is ok for state's to limit the right to vote. Really, hasn't she been in office long enough?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Its happened again. Kay Granger has voted against the poor, women and seniors by voting for HR 5652, which is essentially the Ryan Budget. The Republicans know that this bill will never pass in the Senate, yet they waste Congressional time on it when they should be working on real solutions, solutions that can be negotiated with leaders in the Senate. The party of no strikes again, only days after passing a Republican bill to extend current interest rates on student loans (HR 4628). This bill also has no chance of passing because it would be funded by eliminating appropriations for the Prevention and Public Health Fund.

The Republicans have shown nothing but contempt for the those attempting to lower health care costs and provide better health care in America. They have shown contempt for seniors by going after Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Meals on Wheels. 

These Republicans now in control of the House of Representatives have only one goal, and that is to bring down our President. They tried to get President Clinton through Whitewater and sex scandals. President Obama has nothing in his personal life that hurts him (they already tried his birth certificate and by accusing him of being Muslim). They have no shame. What they can't do at the ballot box, they try to do by any other means possible, no matter the harm it does to this country, including extending the economic crisis as long as they can. Kay Granger is part of this nastiness. She voted for both of these bills. It's time for Kay to go away. Please help me do this by contributing whatever you can to my campaign. Visit my website at

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Went to several democratic party functions this past week, the democrats Party for the Party, the Tarrant County Democratic Senatorial Convention, and a meeting of the Southwest Democrats. Lots of verbal support, but no money coming in yet.
Read where the President supports extending low interest rates on student loans. I support that and hope legislation to that effect passes in both houses of Congress. If elected I will always support aid for our college students. Education is job 1.Will watch to see how Kay votes.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Back in Texas and ready to rock. Attended the Democrats Party for the Party last night. Chairman Maxwell never even thought to recognize Congressional candidates, let alone introduce them. Way to go Max! Got to meet Jim Wright. Excellent.  Kay Granger voted for tax break for the wealthy, supporting a 20% reduction in taxes to corporations that employ under 500 people, like 99% of all businesses in the country. That's great for really small business, but just another tax giveaway to larger wealthier corporations. Who is going to pay for all lost revenue? Most likely food stamp recipients and seniors. And about those food stamp recipients. Thanks to Republican policies under the Bush administration the middle class is shrinking. While some are moving into higher income brackets, most are moving down into lower brackets, hence the increase in food stamps. So lets penalize these folks even more, at least so say Republicans in Congress. Come on, people. Let's get rid of these guys. That means you, Kay Granger.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I just read a summary of HR 5 which according to the Congressional website says that the bill, and I quote, will "..... improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system." What does this mean?  Kay Granger voted for it. I read that this bill, if passed by Senate, would eliminate a panel set up to monitor and control Medicare, a panel created under the Obama Health Care bill. So once again Kay Granger shows her true colors by voting for a bill that essentially helps doctors and screws seniors. Way to go Kay. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I see in the Star Telegram which I read online that the Texas delegation led by Senator Hutchinson may have convinced the Air Force not to move the C130s at the Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth to Montana. Kudos to them. One must give credit where credit is due. Me, a democrat praising the mostly Republican Texas Delegation. I wonder if Republicans could do the same thing. If a Democrat proposes or supports a good plan or idea, would Republicans support it. So far they have shown that they would not. That's why I would be better for Texas than Kay Granger. She is too wrapped up in ideology to support a good idea if it comes from the other side of the aisle. Dave Robinson for Congress: Texas District 12.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Still on the Cape taking care of my 92 year old dad. Will return to the Texas to resume my run for Congress in early April. Received a survey request in the mail from some right to work group that hates unions. People forget the unions created the middle class in this country, with the help of socially minded corporations. Any of those still around? If you work for a company where a union negotiates contract including salary and benefits then I don't think its unreasonable that you should have to join that union. Otherwise you are just piggybacking off their efforts, contributing nothing yourself. Why do some people think this is unreasonable?

Friday, February 17, 2012

So the Air Force plans to move all 8 C130s from the Joint Reserve base in Fort Worth to Great Falls Montana. Governor good hair is protesting the move. I support the governor in his efforts (wow, it's hard for me today that). The Star Telegram also said that the Texas congressional delegation is also protesting the move. How could it be more profitable to move these planes to the middle of nowhere? Kay Granger has not commented, but I would hope that she is working behind the scenes to keep those planes.  I would be, but I would also be keeping my constituents informed. There is not enough information coming out of Congress to the people of this country.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Glad to see that under the new redistricting plan (still a work in progress) that Senator Wendy Davis will retain her district in tact, an obvious recognition by the Republicans that their attempt to redraw districts so only Republicans can get elected is an absurdity.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I just read that the House will vote next week on a  republican bill that would allow ANY employer on their health plans to deny birth control coverage to their employees. In what world is this a good idea? Will Kay Granger support this bill? Bet she does.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Texas Rep Joe Barton wants to move minorities out of his district and move them into Rep Bernice Johnson's district in Dallas. What is that about? Rep Joe might say that would give minorities more of a voice. My question is how would moving them to Dallas give them more of a voice? It seems that it would give minorities more of a voice by moving more blacks and hispanics into his district to make a real race possible. If I'm elected to the House I would work to make more districts evenly matched politically to insure real races in every district rather than protecting career politicians like Joe B and Kay Granger.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Republican obstructionism has already begun. No surprise there. The President announces a new budget that will begin to decrease the deficit, but republicans are already telling us it doomed to failure. It's ironic that the President has a plan to move the country forward, the republicans vote against it, and then blame the President when the country doesn't move forward. President Obama deserves the chance to put his program into place to see if it works. That's why we need to vote out these republicans in November. They want to go back to the same garbage policies that got us into this mess in the first place.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Dave Robinson and I'm running for Congressional District 12 in Texas currently held by Republican Kay Granger. Kay has shown herself to be an enemy of the middle class voting lockstep with the Republicans in the House to do everything she can to prevent the Obama administration from enacting legislation designed to promote and provide middle class jobs.  I'm running against her to give the voters in District 12 a choice between the same old failed policies that got us into this economic mess and the new, positive direction of the Obama administration. Any questions, ask. Right now I'm in Massachusetts helping my 92 year old dad make it from one day to the next. I hope to be back in Texas by the primaries, but cannot say for sure at this point. Family comes first. What I do need is money to keep my campaign going. If you support the Obama administration and abhor the obstructionist policies of the Republicans in Congress. Please visit my website and contribute to my campaign.