Friday, July 13, 2012

I often wonder how the mind of an ideologue works, especially since I used to be one. What was I thinking? I look now at the state of health care in this country and I see what the Affordable Care Act is doing for Americans. Yes, it does involve a government-private partnership, what with the exchanges and the expansion of Medicaid, but it doesn't even come close to establishing a single payer system which could reasonably be called socialized medicine, which, by the way, works very well in most developed countries today. Nevertheless, we have a gov't-private system now being implemented which I think we need to give a chance to work. For those already with health insurance, nothing changes except that premiums should go down because of more shared risk as more people become insured. What's the down side? The mandate? There's no enforcement provision for those who don't purchase insurance. There's a fine, but no one to make a scofflaw pay. No down side. Right wing ideologues and Obama haters are making stuff up or mislabeling the ACA as socialism mainly to defeat President Obama in November. We must not let that happen. Please vote straight ticket Democrat in November. We need the Presidency and at least one branch of Congress to keep our improving health care system from being ruined by Republican ideologues who care more about their own rigid views than what is good for the people of this country. They have shown that vote after vote after vote in the US House of Representatives. Kay Granger may not be an ideologue, but she is voting in lock step with them. She is not the same person that she was when she was mayor of Fort Worth.

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