Friday, May 11, 2012

Its happened again. Kay Granger has voted against the poor, women and seniors by voting for HR 5652, which is essentially the Ryan Budget. The Republicans know that this bill will never pass in the Senate, yet they waste Congressional time on it when they should be working on real solutions, solutions that can be negotiated with leaders in the Senate. The party of no strikes again, only days after passing a Republican bill to extend current interest rates on student loans (HR 4628). This bill also has no chance of passing because it would be funded by eliminating appropriations for the Prevention and Public Health Fund.

The Republicans have shown nothing but contempt for the those attempting to lower health care costs and provide better health care in America. They have shown contempt for seniors by going after Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Meals on Wheels. 

These Republicans now in control of the House of Representatives have only one goal, and that is to bring down our President. They tried to get President Clinton through Whitewater and sex scandals. President Obama has nothing in his personal life that hurts him (they already tried his birth certificate and by accusing him of being Muslim). They have no shame. What they can't do at the ballot box, they try to do by any other means possible, no matter the harm it does to this country, including extending the economic crisis as long as they can. Kay Granger is part of this nastiness. She voted for both of these bills. It's time for Kay to go away. Please help me do this by contributing whatever you can to my campaign. Visit my website at

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